Common Typography

Apply class .title for general titles

<h1 class="title">Title text</h1>


Apply class .xlarge, .large, .medium, .small, .mini, .tiny along with title class to adjust a size of the title

<h1 class="title large">Title text</h1>


Apply class .title-sub for subtitle text

<p class="title-sub">Sub title text</p>


Apply class .large, .medium, .small, .mini, .tiny along with .title-sub class to adjust the size

<p class="title-sub small">Sub title text</p>


Apply class .typo-light on a parent title or other content to quickly change text color white on a dark background

<div class="typo-light">
  <h1 class="title large">Title text</h1>
  <p class="title-sub small">Sub title text</p> 

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